Life In Full Speed
It needs to be said
Thursday, May 19, 2011
Wednesday, June 2, 2010
Two Window's of Poverty

As the van slowly made its way through the narrow bumpy dirt roads, one of our American students mumbled aloud, “our dogs live better than these people”. Likewise in appalling poverty, most of the homes had nothing more than dirt floors, windows without glass and maybe, just maybe, running water. The wires dangling from house to house provided “borrowed” electricity from the city.
For the residents of this slum neighborhood it’s a very rare occasion to have visitors from the USA, so obviously our team was an interesting sight for them, especially when we shared dramas and music in their native language, Portuguese. And in spite of our inability to speak fluent Portuguese, our team confidently reached out with the love and encouragement of Jesus, a universal language of love that is not bound by borders or language barriers.
As I thought about this experience, I began to realize that for anyone who has never experienced this level of poverty, their first reaction would probably be a sense of hopelessness and despair. However, our experience brought us to a place of hope after meeting some of the most wonderful and warm people we’ve ever me before. It was simply amazing.
From our perspective, these people were hopelessly poor beyond imagination. But the truth is, we were amazed to learn that because of God’s love and acceptance, they were satisfied, content and filled with a level of joy that is strengthened in the face of wicked poverty.
As I looked out into a slum of more than 100,000 people, I tried to make sense of it all. “How in the world can these people live like this,” my heart asked. And just like God, He spoke very quietly to my heart, “Richard, these people need nothing you have to have all of me.” Wow! What an incredible revelation. For those residents that know and love God, their reality is simply - God is sufficient.

As we left the slums, I understood very clearly that I couldn't change their living, social or economic situation. All I could give them was the dignity and respect they deserve as God’s creation.
Thursday, April 15, 2010
A Birthday Celebration For A Street Boy
By Adriana Ruiz - Master's Commission Brasil
Friday, March 12, 2010
It Wasn't What I Expected
All of this caused me to think about my own life. Compared to these precious children, we have so much and yet we often have grumpy hearts. “Oh, God, but it isn’t fair, I want a better car, I want a bigger house, I want my boss to give me a raise, I want the sun and not rain, and then, oh, it’s too hot, send rain, etc…” In Africa, they have war, they have lack of food, they have so little medical resources, (people die of tetanus from a simple scrape on the knee, women and babies die in childbirth, people die from diarrhea. And at the Iris Ministries in Sudan (another stop on our trip), there are no showers or electricity, yet they too seem to have a lot more than most of us on this side of the planet. In the face of very difficult conditions they somehow have a grateful heart for all God has done. They start shouting and dancing when the moon comes out (in Sudan it only comes out for 15 days) to worship God who created the moon, God that provides.
I thought going to Africa meant I would offer the people there something from my abundance, but in reality I received so much more. God is moving in Africa and I am sure that one day they will be sending missionaries to all parts of the world to spread the Good News. One thing I learned for sure, the Gospel is definitely not about how much stuff we have, it’s about embracing and enjoying a new life that only Jesus can give. It’s awesome!!!
Thursday, February 11, 2010
Not a Street Kid any more!
STREET CHILDREN - there is a simple way to work with street kids, however it does requires somebody to make a sacrifice. Anderson "was" a street kid. Now he's not. See why!
Monday, January 25, 2010
Tucking a child away to sleep - On the sidewalk

Have you ever tucked a child into bed? If you’re a parent or you’ve baby-sat or perhaps you have a younger sister or brother, you know what I’m talking about. You pull the warm blankets tightly across your little one and tuck the edges around the bed, making sure they are nice and cozy. Perhaps you read a story or sing a song to lull them gently to sleep. You kiss their forehead and bid them goodnight as you lightly close the door behind you. Right?
Today I watched as Marianne (from Norway), one of my teammates with me in Master’s Commission Brazil, tuck a sweet little girl away to sleep. However, her bed was not a warm and cozy one at all. Instead it was the hard, cold, wet sidewalk of a third world country.
Marianne did the best she could to lay the sleeping child’s head against the cold sheet metal wall of the store we all had gathered under in attempts to avoid the rain. Ah yes, the rain, not to mention the thunder and lightning. My God, I have never been in rain like that before. The wind gathers the pelting drops and mercilessly slaps them against your face and body. The thunder shakes you to the core. Yet, Marianne held the child inside her sweater as we sang “Mighty to save” together for her. She was fascinated to hear the song in English and asked us to sing it over and over again.
I tell you my friends; this was not your average lullaby moment. When it was time to go, the little girl had finally fallen asleep in Marianne’ s arms. I swallowed hard to hold back the tears as Marianne laid the sleeping girl on the cold, wet sidewalk alongside a little boy, also fast asleep. I couldn’t believe what I had just seen.
Guys, this is the world we live in! If no one will stand up and do something about things such as this, then how can we expect there to be a brighter day? – Sara Ribeiro, MCBrasil Student
Tuesday, December 29, 2009
Beggars.... They want your spare change

Driving around any typical city in Brazil we’ll find an abundance of beggars practically at every intersection of significance. Today for an example, as I wound my way through town it dawned on me that at many traffic signals there were beggars working every automobile that found itself delayed by a crimson light. Their coordination seemed to be so well thought-out, I was wondering if organized labor had become involved in their efforts to collect everyone’s spare change.
Here’s where I’m begging for your help! – At what point do we not give beggars our spare change? I don’t know about you, but for me it’s necessary to exercise a considerable amount of self-restraint as I struggle to avoid analyzing and speculating (only on mere assumptions) as to what sins against society did these beggars commit for which they are now fatally appointed to their intersection. I would imagine this would present a challenge for most people as it does for me. My rational mind finds it necessary to evaluate them, or as I think more appropriate, “Size em’ up really quick!” so that I can somehow determine if they are worthy of my spare change. - We all know the drill, “He’s an ex-convict. He’s lazy. He’s an alcoholic, I'm not going to let him use my money to buy more alcohol just so he can go home and beat his wife and kids. And for sure – God forbid to buy more drugs!” – There’s a thousand questions that instantly gallop through my mind.
But, what about the children, the women and the senior adults that we frequently see dutifully assigned to the intersections? What’s their story? And more importantly, what should be our response? Every day we see equal numbers of children, women and frazzled seniors begging for us to help with life’s basic needs, or so we think. Actually we can never know the truth, other than the fact that their lives through whatever circumstances have been reduced to begging at intersections for our spare change.
So, still begging for your input, if I am going to give away my spare change, who’s the priority and at what point do I stop giving beggars my spare change? – (This beggar stuff is becoming a complicated business.) If we tell them that “we don’t have any money”, did we just lie to them when we know full well we could easily access some of it by simply driving to the nearest ATM machine? Would that be true if we were on our way to Starbucks for our designer’s cup of latte? – Or how about this one? Is it possible for our money to become “spare change” if we are only holding it to purchase our kids the latest version of the iPhone, or we’re rolling over to test-drive the 2010 Beemer that just arrived in the showroom? When does the money we use to refurnish or renovate our already palatial casa (compared to theirs), become “spare change”? Or why doesn’t the money being set aside for that next Caribbean cruise get titled, “spare change”? – Oh boy! Can you imagine the impact to a beggar’s life if the volume of our “spare change” made its way to their intersections? We’ll probably never know, will we?
All of this leads back to my original question: “At what point do we not give beggars our spare change?” – I suppose the more important question becomes “What and where is your spare change?”
"Don't store up treasures here on earth, where they can be eaten by moths and get rusty, and where thieves break in and steal. Store your treasures in heaven, where they will never become moth-eaten or rusty and where they will be safe from thieves. Because wherever your treasure is, there your heart and thoughts will also be.” – Matthew 6:19-21