As unbelieving as this may seem, there continues to be a preoccupation with building what I affectionately call, "Tribute to God" fortunes and an unyielding pursuit for the things of this world… namely wealth, homes, cars and comfort. For example, it can be arguably discussed that the recent surge in church attendance has come more as a direct result of a fear of losing jobs, homes and investment accounts instead of from a genuine need of God.
The litmus test is really simple; where were these same people before the crisis? Why wasn't God good enough then? Please don't misunderstand; I am in no way questioning any believer's salvation. Nope! Not at all. It's only by the grace of God that any of us have any chance of hope. However, there are two distinctly different kinds of Christians: those who walk by faith and those who walk by sight. The Bible clearly tells us that those believers whose lives are more dictated by sight are ultimately wasting an otherwise supernatural Christian life.
Consider Abraham who is called the father of our faith who demonstrated through his life that the more he knew God, the less he was interested in the world and its offerings. With a simple study of his life we will discover that over the course of his life, little by little, he was being separated unto God. The catalyst that worked in his life is the same principle always at work in our lives that demonstrates becoming separate "to" something will also always require separation "from" something. A wasted Christian life is the life that fails to become separate from the world and to God.
I'm wondering if maybe this entire economic crisis has been God ordained to jump start the separation process? If we live out our days here on earth without effectively being separated to God, will that not be a wasted Christian life or what? "Therefore come out from them and be separate, says the Lord. Touch no unclean thing, and I will receive you." 1 Corinthians 6:17
Hey, PR...I miss ya! Keep doing the good work as ambassador of Christ. I'm praying that things are going great at your end of the world. Smiles.
PR...You speak a truth God is constantly trying to share with his people. Thank you for being such a mighty vessel and conduit for God. Blessings.
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