Friday, September 26, 2008

"In $700 Billion WE Trust?" - Are You Serious?

The economic crisis in the USA is huge and the world is waiting for the outcome (eventual) signing of a staggering $700 billion bailout plan from our nation’s leaders. Obviously this is only addressing the systemic issues and looks far past the fact that the moral integrity of our nation is more the actual cause for this disaster.

If as an average, go to work – come home everyday citizen we looked honestly at the levels of steep corruption and moral rottenness, we would fall on our faces, ripping our clothes while throwing dust into the air pleading for the mercies of God. The United States of America… we are guilty of great and tremendous sins, not only against global humanity, but more importantly against the very holy and sovereign God, for whom we once pledged, “In God we trust”.

Where are the sounds of wailing and the outcries for national repentance? Why are not the altars filled with people who have beforehand offered lavish sacrifices to the gods of mammon (materialism and wealth)? Where are the masses of Americans who have spent more of their waking hours meditating on their portfolios of investments and real estate holdings? … those who have fondled their automobiles, golf clubs, large screen TV remotes and the railings of luxury vessels more than their Bibles? Why are they not filling our churches in search of the great “In God we trust”? Where is the brokenness and confession of sin?

When will we hear the voices of moms and dads who have honored their careers more than their marriage and family? At what point do we acknowledge the endless millions of mass murders through the convenience of abortions just for the benefit of free flowing fornication and adultery?

Are we so deceived that we truly believe God is looking the other way while Adam and Steve, the married guys, brazenly taunt their creator to His face? Have we as a people and a nation crossed so far over the lines of moral decay and ultimate ruin that we don’t know the difference between what’s right and what’s wrong? – And then don’t forget to take into account that we have meddled with almost every nation on the planet; almost without any regard for their own violations of social justice and basic human rights. I don't think our nation’s international relations and foreign policies are what we think they are. I’m wondering if we as a nation have violated every imaginable law of moral decency.

Genesis 1:31 says, “Then God SAW everything that He had made, and indeed it was very good. So the evening and the morning were the sixth day. “ - As we approach the end of the year 2008 and as God now SEES everything that we (the USA) have made… certainly He isn’t saying “this is very good”.

And finally, take notice that the end of the verse says that it was the “sixth day”… what do you think is going to happen on "OUR" day seven if we really believe a $700 billion boost from the nation's coffers will fix our nation’s problems?

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